Finishing up the first week

Wednesday night we had dinner at an old favorite, Juveniles.  It's a casual wine bar with very good food and an easy atmosphere.  To be honest, it helps that the owner, Margaux (named after the wine), speaks great English.  We shared a bottle of champagne to celebrate our stay in Paris.  Tom had what promises to be the first of many foie gras appetizers along with duck for dinner.  I had the menu du jour which was corn soup with mussels and pork and mashed potatoes with a delicious mustard sauce.  Maxine's goal -- become a regular here!

We walked home past the Louvre.  All in all it took 20 minutes.  Our apartment really is in a great location.

Last night we stayed home for dinner and ate the rest of our cheese with a still-warm baguette.  This was our dessert.


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