Nuit Blanche -- White Night

An excuse to stay up all night sponsored by the City of Paris.

We don't actually understand French modern art.  Or maybe we don't understand anyone's modern art...

One night a year the city of Paris runs the event called Nuit Blanche,  which I (Tom) attended 12 years ago and we've been looking forward to since before we arrived.   We accept that we don't "get it".  But,  that's ok.  It's fun.  And one of the areas where they were concentrating this year was less than a mile away.

But, first,  lunch.  We picked up sandwiches and macarons at what had been one of our favorite bakeries in 2006 when we lived down the street.   With the weather remaining great,  we had a picnic in Luxembourg Gardens.

Now, Nuit Blanche...

Nothing says French Art like outdoor roller ball

Or tall women posing next to statues of DeGaulle

Or soccer under black light in glow-in-the-dark, neon rain jackets.

But, Paris at night is hard to beat


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