While Maxine was baking I was ....

While Maxine was baking and later in the week heading out for a walking tour, I was doing other things...

Thursday I tried to go to a Lagunitas beer tap takeover.  Three years ago Heineken bought control of them so we've been seeing Lagunitas beers around town.  Unfortunately, a tap takeover in Paris isn't the same as in Portland where there can be 20 or 40 taps to "take".  This place had only 4 and the beers were ones I'd had before, so I didn't stay.  Somewhat somberly, I discovered that this bar is down the street from where the 2015 Bataclan shootings happened.

Stuck in a neighborhood that I didn't know, I went to my sightseeing app, Mapstr, where I've tagged anything in the city that I thought might be interesting.  In one direction I saw there was a good beer bar that we'd visited a couple times in 2014.  In another direction, a cocktail bar that I only vaguely heard of.  Decided I was done chasing beer I went for cocktails at The Little Red Door.  Had a great time. Staff (all 3 of them, including the bartender) were great.  Later found out that they've been on the "Best Bars in the World" list 5-6 times including this year.  Serendipitous.

Friday I had coffee with a friend I made at one of the Philosophy events I've been going to.  John teaches in one of the local MBA programs and it was interesting to hear his perspective on that, on Paris, and on the world.

That night I went to Express de Lyon, which I'd been before.  Reviews describe it as an anomaly -- seemingly a quick eats place just outside the Gare de Lyon train station but actually one of the best beer bars in Paris.  And cheap!  I had Brasserie Parisis's IPA Sous Senart, Bieres de Chimay's Tripel, and Brasserie d'Achouffe's La Chouffe Blond.  While reading a book on my phone.

Saturday I did some neighborhood walking. 

Sunday Maxine and I went together to the Vanves Flea Market. It's a lot more approachable than the other one in town and we had a fun 2 hours looking at stuff that could either be junk or a showpiece in your house. Since we're pretty uninspired as decorators we passed, but had fun looking.

Finally, we like having pictures in our blog. And Paris is such a photogenic city.  Sacre Couer/Montmartre

Random building -- from the name on it, I suspect it was once a union hall.  Now seems to be an apartment building.

Train station (Gare d'Lyon) at night.

Building down the street from our apartment.


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