
Frenchie's restaurant has been on our list since our last trip to Paris four years ago.  We weren't able to get reservations then so we settled for the restaurant's casual sibling, Frenchie's Wine Bar which doesn't require a reservation, just a possible wait in line.  We love the Wine Bar and that made us even more anxious to try the Restaurant.  We finally did this week and it was worth the wait!

The menu was 8 different dishes -- 2 amuses and 6 courses including 2 different dessert courses.  We ordered the recommended wine pairing but it was only okay so no photos.

1st amuse -- Bacon maple gougere.  We each received one but we could have eaten a whole plate of these.  The platter was on a shelf next to us and Tom almost did!  So delicious!

2nd amuse -- Eel with olive oil on a seaweed chip.  Tom's version had radish but still included the seaweed chip, a misunderstanding on the part of the restaurant since it was still fishy tasting for him.

Appetizer -- Foie gras with sweet potato chips, hazelnuts, pomegranate.  A great combination and also beautiful.

Pasta course -- Ravioli stuffed with a whole, unbroken egg yolk (how did they do that?) in a mushroom (multiple kinds) and butter sauce.

Fish course -- Smoked trout with cauliflower and radish.

Meat course -- Pork neck cooked sous vide then barbecued with carrots and more carrots in various forms including sauce.  Flavor was great but Tom's meat was a little too fatty.

2 Desserts -- Granny smith apple ice cream, diced apple, meringue and sage.  Very refreshing.

And coconut yuzu sorbet with flaming white rum

Finally, coffee with a fresh madeleine.

We're already discussing when and how we can go back before the end of our stay in Paris.  Hint:  sending an email to the restaurant with possible dates worked to get a reservation.


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