Septime, again! December 10

In a previous post, I told you about our lunch at Septime and our excitement over getting a dinner reservation later in our trip.  We scheduled this dinner as our last big Paris celebration since it was about 36 hours before our flight back to the U.S.  It was a great time with delicious food and fantastic wine pairings.  We were also pleased that the staff members who served us previously remembered us.

The meal started with melted gouda cheese with homemade breadsticks, the only dish that was a repeat from our lunch.

Add Scallops with celery leaf oil and lemon paired with sake (Maxine)

Roasted leeks instead of scallops paired with Chenin Blanc from the Loire Valley (Tom)

Cauliflower mousseline with saffron creme topped with caviar and walnuts.  
Tom's dish was topped with fermented pear instead of caviar.  These were paired with an interesting, very acidic wine from the Jura region of France.

Roasted beets with smoked duck breast, fermented black currents and Greek yogurt -- delicious! 
Wine pairing was a Beaujolais (not the Nouveau kind).

Mushrooms with monkfish liver cream, sesame seeds, lentils, fish stock and a red wine reduction paired with champagne.

Tom had a similar dish without the fish elements.  Wine was an orange wine from the Emilia Romagna region of Italy.  This was only the second time I tasted orange wine -- much more complex flavor than white wine.

Venison with swiss chard and bone marrow beef broth served with toasts topped with swiss chard leaf pesto.
Wine pairing was champagne.

We had two interesting desserts.  The first was roasted ricotta with citrus marmalade, honey from Normandy and pepper served with Sauterne.

And the second was a tangerine hibiscus sorbet served on a bed of olive oil and paired with gin which turned out to be a pretty inspired pairing.

It was a great farewell celebration!


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