We've been here a long time -- Emmy knows her way to the bakery

Maxine does the morning walk with Emmy and 3-4 times/week they stop at Thierry Marx's bakery for bread and (sometimes) croissants.  Emmy knows the way. We've been here a long time.

Thierry Marx is in a new urban "foodie" area called Beau Passage 10 minutes from our apartment.  Maxine initially started going there because they were consistenly open on weekends but has become a fan because their baguettes are so good.  They know her there...

And to some extent we're getting ready to come home.  Weather.com's 15 day forecast is no longer relevant.  We're leaving Paris in under 13 days.  And it's starting to feel sad because after being here this long, once again, Paris has started to feel like home.  We can remember mornings in August, at home in Portland, when it finally became useful for us to check Paris weather.  And we were relieved to learn that it wouldn't be raining on the September day we arrived.  Now we've come full circle.

Yesterday I took a trek through some parts of the city for errands and, I'll admit it, out of nostalgia.  I started at the Assembly National (equivalent to the US House of Representatives) to pick up a souvenir.  We were last here in mid September for the Patrimonie days when we toured portions of it.

Saw some serious guys with very serious guns guarding it.  No big deal.  Just that you do see serious security with serious guns in this city.  We've never had a problem.

Also saw tour busses from 2 different companies drive by.   One had a banner, "Best of Paris 2 Hours".  The other had a banner, "best of Paris 1 1/2 Hours".  I feel like I must have missed something.

Continued my walk to Invalides and sat on a bench.  In every direction it was beautiful.  We're lucky that Portland is so gorgeous in a natural way. Paris is beautiful from the hand of man.

I could see the Seine in the distance and recalled that in 2006 we would take Cassie there to get her out of the apartment.  Nostalgia...

I crossed town on the Metro and ended up outside a bar that Bill and I stopped at in 1999...

Then down to Angelina for a hot chocolate (actually for 2 hot chocolates -- I had to try both varieties).  Worth the trip.  But, not something that kids will like (see Louvre entry).  Saw 2 police on roller blades giving directions to a car that had gone down the wrong street.  Saw the start of the Louvre/Tuileries Christmas Market.

As always I've been using my monthly Metro pass.  But in just a couple of days the month of November will be over and we'll have to switch to weekly passes for the rest of our stay.

The first time I went to Paris was with my then girlfriend when I was 26.  She and I have at this point in our lives spent nearly a year here.  We are fortunate in so many ways...


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